
Visualizations of Sorting Algorithms, now including comparison time

Originally from , April 15, 2009, 3:49 AM by Jacob Seidelin Canvas Visualizations of Sorting, which in turn came from Visualising Sorting Algorithms, by Cortesi. I modified the visualization to display the data comparisons in addition to the data swapping, since both are important aspects of performance. Also, in order to more accurately elucidate all the computations, for insertion sort, I made the insertion operation into a sequence of swaps, and for selection sort, I made the search for a maximum value into a sequence of comparisons.

I added the Merge sort and Comb sort that Cortesi has more recently added. I expect I will add all the rest, and maybe a few more of my own design. I'm thinking of a multi-level heap sort.


Overlay two or more images for interesting effects

What happens when we overlay multiple images, using opacity/transparency to blend them? This is an idea I had a couple years ago, and I decided to sit down and try it out. And it works pretty well.


Round Cornered Box with One Image

How to save time building round cornered boxes

I have to admit, this is not entirely my own original idea. Ever since images could be included in web pages, people have been using them for more than just their content, since their shape and texture are also useful to augment the web experience. UI features such as buttons, menus, and backgrounds have become expected in modern web apps, and many ingenious techniques have been developed for escaping the bounds of the square-cornered HTML boxes. So I was excited to be able to offer a small contribution to the crowded field of Round Cornered Box implementations on the web.